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Girl Scare at Night with Her Roommate

I remember we were allowed out-campus hostel since the in-campus hostels were full. The college allowed us an out campus hostel in Baramunda, Bhubaneswar.The hostel was very close to the bus stand, expectedly the area had crowds from all sections of society. There was also a boys hostel adjacent to our hostel. Our hostel actually was a four-storeyed building and flats were in 3bhks type. It was summer then, my roommate decided to open the balcony door. The summers are unbearable in Bhubaneswar, we then opened our balcony door, since our room was on the first floor and the balcony faced backyard so it attracted a lot of mosquitoes. The mosquitoes forced us to close the door. Four of us retired to bed, after an hour or so, we heard the main door bang, I thought it might be my roommate's friend, she always had the habit of knocking at wee hours. However, we were too lazy to go and open the main door. Someone from the flat opened the door. We heard a girl scream, we immediately opened our room’s door. She screamed that close all your doors some miscreants have barged into our hostel and be very careful. We were all dead scared. After a while, we found out that a girl had lost her mobile in our flat and her room was adjacent to ours. She was sleeping with the windows open. The news spread like fire. One of my friends was crying in fear. We hold ourselves and instructed the guard to call the police and the administration. The police came and we got to know that the miscreants stole watches, mobile phones and misbehaved with a girl. It seemed their motive was to create a sense of fear among the girls. Police interrogated the guard and went back assuring us that they would look into this matter. The next day, the dean came and promised us to barricade the balcony with grills. We four roommates were still in shock, what would have happened if we would have opened our doors that night since our room’s balcony is easily accessible as in one can get into the room through balcony without much trouble. Thanks to those mosquitoes that forced us to close the door that night.

Story Source : Quora

Girl Scare at Night with Her Roommate Girl Scare at Night with Her Roommate Reviewed by Top Hostels on August 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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